Calgary Real Estate

Multiple Offers and Short Supply - Real Estate Home Sales take off in Jan 2021!!

In the past 10 days, the real estate market has suddenly heated up in the Foothills region. Multiple offers are becoming common to the point where some sellers of hot properties are holding off for a couple days before responding to buyers offers which is allowed by the rules of engagement we are governed by. We are in a market situation we have not seen for many years. It is reminiscent of 2005/06/07. I believe we have a number of factors at play which have created the perfect storm; super low interest rates, the need for people to change up their space to accommodate home office(s) or home schooling, a certain percentage of people on the lower leg of the economic K curve that need to liquidate, and finally, investment organizations may be targeting our region due to our depressed market pricing which is the type of match that lights the fire and creates the type of market conditions we see ourselves in. How long this market will last is a very good question and requires some serious crystal ball gazing.

If you are thinking of selling, now is a great time to take advantage of the extremely limited supply of homes and acreages for sale. There are only 51 detached homes for sale right now in Okotoks and normally for this time of year we would have 125+. It looks like we should sell about 40 this month. That is double Jan 2020. Calgary only has 1,500 detached homes for sale. In the past 2 weeks, 572 have sold. That is more than double Jan 2020. We are tracking at 1.25 months of inventory to sales. A balanced market is 3-3.5 months of inventory to sales. Pricing hit a 7 year low in June 2020. Price gains have been made in the past 6 months. How high home prices will go will depends on supply and demand.

Q3 2020 market Update

In the early spring of 2020, not one would have predicted the Q3 (July/August/September) sales of real estate in the Foothills Region would grow in sales volumes over the previous year. And grow it did! There has been a significant trend of people moving out of the city and into a more rural setting. Acreage sales are up 43% !!! The outlying communities have seen significant sales growth of 40+ %! The main drivers appear to be the need for space that embraces the needs of working from home or home schooling. Also, there is a strong desire to get away from densely populated areas and into a more relaxed setting. This is a trend happening across the country.

Inventory levels of homes for sale are extremely low right now which means if you are thinking of selling in the near future, now is the time.

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